Buteyko Breathing

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Buteyko Breathing

Buteyko Breathing

What is the Buteyko Breathing method?

Hundreds of thousands of people in the Western world have successfully applied the Buteyko method to resolve and relieve symptoms of breathing problems such as:

  • Asthma
  • ADHD
  • Rhinitis/HayFever
  • Anxiety
  • Dental Health
  • Stress
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea

Named after Russian Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reduce over-breathing. Bringing breathing volume towards normal levels results in the drastic reduction of common breathing-related issues and brings many additional health benefits such as greater energy and better sleep.

The simple fact is that many people breathe too much (clinically known as chronic hyperventilation), altering the natural levels of gases in the blood and leading to numerous health problems, including asthma. Habitual over-breathing is primarily due to the elements of our modern lifestyles such as processed foods, lack of exercise, pollution, smoking, and excessive talking. As a result of this, breathing volume can increase to as much as 2-3 times the norm, resulting in a variety of common complaints including lethargy, difficulty sleeping, and poor concentration. Typical characteristics of over-breathing are breathing through the mouth, noticeable breathing during rest, breathing using the upper chest, regular sighing, taking large breaths prior to talking, and breathing loudly during rest.

Developing a habit of breathing too much can have significant negative consequences for long-term health, as it reduces oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, and leads to the constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding blood vessels and airways. Please view Patrick McKeowns TEDx talk for more information regarding the practical application of the Buteyko Method.

The Buteyko Method involves:

  • Learning how to unblock the nose using breath hold exercises
  • Switching from mouth breathing to nasal breathing
  • Relaxation of the diaphragm and creating a mild air shortage
  • Making small and easy lifestyle changes to assist with better long-term breathing methods
  • Measuring your breathing volume and tracking your progress using a special breath hold test called the Control Pause

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